Paloma Cocktail Recipe

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An easy, go to Paloma Cocktail Recipe (no life stories) so you can get straight to cooking.

The Paloma is a refreshing tequila-based cocktail that is popular in Mexico. Here is a recipe for your own classic Paloma Cocktail:


Paloma Cocktail Ingredients:

– 2 oz tequila

– 1/2 oz lime juice

– Pinch of salt

– Grapefruit soda (such as Squirt or Jarritos)

– Grapefruit wedge, for garnish



Paloma Cocktail Instructions::


  1. Add the tequila, lime juice, and pinch of salt to the glass.
  2. Stir briefly to combine.
  3. Top the glass with grapefruit soda.
  4. Garnish with a grapefruit wedge.
  5. Give it a final stir and enjoy your refreshing Paloma!
  6. Optional: you can also rim the glass with salt before adding the ingredients to create a salted rim Paloma.
Paloma cocktail recipe 2

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